salucao passo a passo
passo 1 de 2
entao podemos analisar quatro casos atraves da equacao, sao esses:
caso 1: quando ambos os sinais dos modulos sao negativos, tem-se que
// Copyright (C) Wizardry and Steamworks 2011 - License: GNU GPLv3 //
// Please see: for legal details, //
// rights of fair usage, the disclaimer and warranty conditions. //
// On a scale of 1 to 3, how awesome do you want the
// generated profile to be? Do not settle for less if you
// can have more. Greed and gluttony are your friends.
// You can try and break all barriers by changing this to
// values greater than 3. However, please the documentation
// on the catatonically grin syndrome you might experience.
//--------------------CHANGE AT WILL--------------------//
// Because we are meformers.
list me_formation = [ "i can be a total shopaholic", "i spend my time enjoying the wonders of SL", "i can be a fashion victim", "i am age verified", "i've been around for a while", "i enjoy a nice chat", "i won't rp with just anybody", "i love my mom", "i love my dad", "i love my family", "i own one of the largest businesses in SL", "i build and i sculpt", "i like to build", "i create sculpts", "i am lots of fun", "i can be fun to be around", "i am just a soul", "i like witty conversation", "i can be a party animal", "i don't bite... too hard, unless you want me to", "i can be friendly and open minded", "i am here to have fun", "i hate everything ordinary", "i despise shallow people", "i hate griefers", "i am just making the most of SL", "i am just not seeking another relationship", "i enjoy exploring", "i enjoy building", "i enjoy editing", "i get along with most people", "i am always on the hunt for something new", "i am a professional artist", "i can be hard to get along with", "i love animals", "i have two dogs", "i have two cats" ];
// Because it doesn't really matter.
list me_connectives = [ "and", "and usually", "and you can say", "and one may think" ];
// Simply because we want to spread our wisdom to others.
list random_quotes = [ "No man is worth your tears, but once you find one that is, he won't make you cry.", "He who angers you conquers you.", "Everyone is gifted - but some people never open their package", "Friends are kisses blown to us by angels", "If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.", "Tears are the silent language of grief", "All glory comes from daring to begin.", "Silence, beautiful voice.", "Love: a temporary insanity, curable by marriage.", "Fear is pain arising from the anticipation of evil.", "Don't kill the dream - execute it"];
// Because it makes us feel l33t.
list utf_garbage = [ "✔ Taken", "✗ Grief", "✗ Voice", "☒ Mod ☑ Copy ☒ Trans", "✔ Age verified" ];
// Begin serious cabbage.
string apply_random_punctuation_abuse(string chunk_of_vanity) {
string messed_up_punctuation_vanity = chunk_of_vanity;
list arbitrary_lousy_punctuation = [ "...", ".", ",", ";" ];
integer trouble_seeker;
for(trouble_seeker=0; trouble_seeker string punctuation = llGetSubString(messed_up_punctuation_vanity, trouble_seeker, trouble_seeker); if(punctuation == "." && (integer)llFrand(2) == (integer)llFrand(2)) { messed_up_punctuation_vanity = llDeleteSubString(messed_up_punctuation_vanity, trouble_seeker, trouble_seeker); messed_up_punctuation_vanity = llInsertString(messed_up_punctuation_vanity, trouble_seeker, llList2String(arbitrary_lousy_punctuation, (integer)llFrand(llGetListLength(arbitrary_lousy_punctuation)))); } } return messed_up_punctuation_vanity; } string apply_random_capitalisation_of_i(string chunk_of_vanity) { list messed_up_i = llParseString2List(chunk_of_vanity, [" "], [""]); list arbitrary_i = [ "I", "i" ]; integer trouble_seeker; string fixed_i; for(trouble_seeker=0; trouble_seeker if(llList2String(messed_up_i, trouble_seeker) == "i" && (integer)llFrand(2) == (integer)llFrand(2)) { fixed_i += llList2String(arbitrary_i, (integer)llFrand(llGetListLength(arbitrary_i))); jump i_fixed_another_i; } fixed_i += llList2String(messed_up_i, trouble_seeker); @i_fixed_another_i; fixed_i += " "; } return fixed_i; } string apply_random_emotions(string chunk_of_vanity) { list emotive_me = llParseString2List(chunk_of_vanity, [" "], [""]); list arbitrary_emotions = [ " ;) ", " :-) ", " =^.^= ", " <(*_*<) ", " :(( ", " ;D " ]; string self_liberating_message; integer trouble_seeker; for(trouble_seeker=0; trouble_seeker self_liberating_message += llList2String(emotive_me, trouble_seeker); if((integer)llFrand(2) == (integer)llFrand(25)) { integer emotion = (integer)llFrand(llGetListLength(arbitrary_emotions)); self_liberating_message += llList2String(arbitrary_emotions, emotion); arbitrary_emotions = llDeleteSubList(arbitrary_emotions, emotion, emotion); jump continue; } self_liberating_message += " "; @continue; } return self_liberating_message; } string apply_quotation_graphics(string words_of_wisdom) { list quotation_graphics_with_utf_garbage = [ " || ", " * ", " ' ", " - ", " ◉ ", " ☆ ", " ✪ ", " ❉ ", " ❤ " ]; integer unique_random_quotation_graphics = (integer)llFrand(llGetListLength(quotation_graphics_with_utf_garbage)); return llList2String(quotation_graphics_with_utf_garbage, unique_random_quotation_graphics) + words_of_wisdom + llList2String(quotation_graphics_with_utf_garbage, unique_random_quotation_graphics); } default { state_entry() { integer me_utf_wisdom; integer pleas_for_stopping = 0; integer an_iterator_with_a_lousy_job; integer spazz_factor = 3; if(OVERALL_LEETNESS >=4) spazz_factor += OVERALL_LEETNESS - 3; string vanity_buildup; // "A disorganised character is the mark of a genius." (me, just now). if(OVERALL_LEETNESS < 3) jump rant; me_utf_wisdom = (integer)llFrand(4); if(pleas_for_stopping++ == spazz_factor) jump additional_oddities_and_release; if(me_utf_wisdom == 0) jump rant; if(me_utf_wisdom == 1) jump garbage; if(me_utf_wisdom == 2) jump wisdom; if(pleas_for_stopping == 3) jump additional_oddities_and_release; @rant; for(an_iterator_with_a_lousy_job=0; an_iterator_with_a_lousy_job<5; an_iterator_with_a_lousy_job++) { integer mundane_one = (integer)llFrand(llGetListLength(me_formation)); integer mundane_two; while(mundane_two == (integer)llFrand(llGetListLength(me_formation))); vanity_buildup += llList2String(me_formation, mundane_one) + " " + llList2String(me_connectives, (integer)llFrand(llGetListLength(me_connectives))) + " "; me_formation = llDeleteSubList(me_formation, mundane_one, mundane_one); vanity_buildup += llList2String(me_formation, mundane_two) + ". "; me_formation = llDeleteSubList(me_formation, mundane_two, mundane_two); } if(OVERALL_LEETNESS < 3) jump garbage; me_utf_wisdom = (integer)llFrand(4); if(pleas_for_stopping++ == spazz_factor) jump additional_oddities_and_release; if(me_utf_wisdom == 0) jump rant; if(me_utf_wisdom == 1) jump garbage; if(me_utf_wisdom == 2) jump wisdom; if(pleas_for_stopping == 3) jump additional_oddities_and_release; @garbage; vanity_buildup += "\n\n"; for(an_iterator_with_a_lousy_job=0; an_iterator_with_a_lousy_job<2; an_iterator_with_a_lousy_job++) { integer mundane_one = (integer)llFrand(llGetListLength(utf_garbage)); vanity_buildup += llList2String(utf_garbage, mundane_one) + "\n"; utf_garbage = llDeleteSubList(utf_garbage, mundane_one, mundane_one); } if(OVERALL_LEETNESS < 3) jump wisdom; me_utf_wisdom = (integer)llFrand(43); if(pleas_for_stopping++ == spazz_factor) jump additional_oddities_and_release; if(me_utf_wisdom == 0) jump rant; if(me_utf_wisdom == 1) jump garbage; if(me_utf_wisdom == 2) jump wisdom; @wisdom; vanity_buildup += "\n"; for(an_iterator_with_a_lousy_job=0; an_iterator_with_a_lousy_job<1; an_iterator_with_a_lousy_job++) { integer mundane_one = (integer)llFrand(llGetListLength(random_quotes)); // Because graphics precede correctness. string quote_with_quotation_artistry = apply_quotation_graphics(llList2String(random_quotes, mundane_one)); vanity_buildup += quote_with_quotation_artistry; } if(OVERALL_LEETNESS < 3) jump additional_oddities_and_release; me_utf_wisdom = 1 + (integer)llFrand(3); if(pleas_for_stopping++ == spazz_factor) jump additional_oddities_and_release; if(me_utf_wisdom == 1) jump rant; if(me_utf_wisdom == 2) jump garbage; if(me_utf_wisdom == 3) jump wisdom; @additional_oddities_and_release; // Because they just brighten our every statement. if(OVERALL_LEETNESS < 2) jump i_am_pretty_serious; vanity_buildup = apply_random_emotions(vanity_buildup); @i_am_pretty_serious; // Because rules are too strict and suffocate our artistry. vanity_buildup = apply_random_punctuation_abuse(vanity_buildup); // Because it takes one more keypress to capitalise yourself. vanity_buildup = apply_random_capitalisation_of_i(vanity_buildup); while(spazz_factor--) jump i_am_pretty_serious; llSay(0, vanity_buildup); } touch_start(integer total_number) { llResetScript(); } }